Progress!Weight at end of Feb. 2014: 263.8
Weight at April 26, 2014: 230.0 Today was a landmark day! My weight has melted away to this new low of 230 pounds. Still a long ways to go, for certain but progress is now substantial. This past week I visited my doctor for a check up on how things look internally. When I saw her before Juicing began I had high blood pressure and was a freight train headed for a heart attack or stroke. Today my Doctor informed me that I now have normal blood pressure and she congratulated me whole heartedly. But the road ahead is still long. As stated many times in my blogs, my goal was never about weight loss. It has for certain about better health. I have begun running and with my juicing the results speak for them self. Are you feeling hopeless? Have you tried all the diets you can handle? Failed at all? May I suggest the reason? In my mind and from what I have learned is that our intake (the food we eat) is balanced all wrong. North Americans typically consume 80% wheat products/oily cooked potatoes, meat and pasta, and the juice we get from the grocer is so processed we only get less than 10% of the goodness we are hoping for. Further to that, the 20% veggies we eat are steamed or sautéed (stir fried) and that process alone removes 80% of what should be good for us but is now depleted. Junk Food, such as burgers, wings, deep fried everything, are not only void of any nutrients but actually deplete (rob) our existing nutrients and defence mechanisms. We are killing ourselves one combo meal at a time. There is no need for strokes, no need or heart attack or memory loss, etc, etc. If we just replenish our bodies with the nutrients it needs and cut down (I say cut OUT) all the crap…wow, it's only logical that our bodies will begin to re invigorate. You don't have to starve yourself, on veggies you can devour as much as you like! If you add some fibre and protein to it (powder and or actual slices of fruits, etc) You WILL feel full and you WILL make it through your day successfully fixing all the wrong you've done to it all these years. I speak from experience. There is hope for you. Give juicing three days and you will begin to understand how your life will feel so much better on this new road you have chosen. Talk to me on twitter: @robertmcaffee On Facebook: Robert McAffee Email: [email protected] check out my video: I'd love to read your story and your response.
How are you feeling right now? sleepy? Need that coffee and muffin? I can relate, i was that way every day, all day. what would you give to rid yourself of that feeling? What would you be prepared to give up to have a feeling of energy and sharpness without the caffein and sweet foods?
May I suggest a simple recipe: One Breville Juicer, two oranges, one green apple, four sticks of celery, four heads of broccoli, one bundle of swiss chard, 1/4" of ginger, four carrots and a lime. wash them all in vinegar and baking soda and put them through your new Breville Juicer. What you will end up with is a jug this size which will pour into three Mason jars. Cap them, put them in the fridge and you have the answer to your problem: happiness in three jars for all of your tomorrow needs. You will feel energized, and you will not crave coffee or sweet foods. You will be on your way to a healthier you. Total prep time: 15mn. good for a whole day, no cooking to clean up, no cooking smells lingering. Change, it's all yo need. Make the change today. Juice for life, YOUR LIFE!Weight at start of juicing Feb 28th 2014: 263.8
weight today: 234.5 and dropping! To all whom I have lost due to the fact that they and I had no knowledge of how to change our lives for the better, I raise this glass to you. May I learn from the mistakes and live better for it. You can change your life with two glasses of pure raw juice every day, just takes fifteen minutes to prepare, two drinks. They go into the fridge and bam! you're ready for an all out assault on all that threatens to take your life or some major part of it. Short blog today, short msg, but important point: Change your life and do it for life, YOUR LIFE! Robert McAffee How to cleanse and fortify your body!Three steps to better health:
One pineapple, one sweet potato, four Swiss chard, four kale, one orange, two cucumbers, and a quarter inch of ginger…blend, and separate into your tomorrow portions, and voila! A great day of happy! Nuff said already? I agree but I want you to know it's that simple. Get yourself a blender or juicer, wash your ingredients the night before, juice it and bottle it, your next day will be all set for you and you're house won't smell of cooking oil! Pack some in a cooler lunch bag, refrigerate the rest so when you get home you have it at your finger tips. No excuses allowed, nope, none, you're all set and you will feel great by bed time. Join me on my journey to better health. Robert McAffee Starting your day? what will you eat? Or maybe you have eaten already, maybe you anticipated that bacon and eggs all the way to your fav breakfast spot, and now you've had your fill. Now you're dealing with the after effects, the sleepiness, the digestion issues, and the nagging feeling that you may have just done more harm than good to your overall health. It's probably true. Now you need a boost, so your next stop is through your fav drive thru line up. Get that caffein into your system so you can be perky enough to get through the grocery store checkout and on to your Saturday list. Make sure you have time for one more caffein run later because you'll need it. You and I both know it.
Here's a healthy alternative: Two heads of Kale, 2 heads of broccoli, one cucumber, four stocks of celery, two apples to cut the nasty flavours of the first four items, and a half lemon squeezed into your juice. Now you have enough to do you for your entire day…you won't feel heavy, in fact you will feel lighter, much more energetic and yes, Healthy! That's my tip for you today. Drink Green, for LIFE! Cheers! Robert McAffee Change that fills you Starting weight : 263.8 end of Feb. 2014
current weight : 237.8 and dropping daily. Running distance at end of Feb 2014 : 0 Current running distance : 1.8km daily I have one major goal in life, that is to feel full all of the time. Now then, if I apply that to life before juicing you can imagine how the outcome would be, exactly as it was…over weight and headed for a heart attack. So of course the whole idea of a diet repulses me, who would't be repulsed by the prospect of starving to death every day, not to mention the mere thought of running on an empty stomach. So there you have it, dieting is not for me. Never was and never will be. Introduce the Breville Juicer and a healthy mix of mostly green leafy veggies, celery, spinach, that sort of thing with a minor mix of fruit such as pineapple, oranges and apples. You can adjust that mix however you prefer but thats what works for me. Make enough juice to last you the day and have as many a day as keeps you feeling satisfied. If you need more substance, and I sure do, add some flavoured or non flavoured plant based protein powder to your drinks, that will make you feel full for long periods. Add to that a good dose of 40 mn a day of walking, then as your body allows you, mild running, or any good and fun daily exercise. I don't believe in diets, did I mention that before? I do believe in good food and good exercise. The two are an unbeatable recipe for health and well being. Do you long for better health? Are you hungry for change? See your doctor, get a juicer, start walking…you will be healthier. You will be happier. It's easy to get all the salt and carbs you could want in a pinch. There are plenty of opportunities at every street corner, never mind your own cupboard. I face every one of those temptations too and it is a battle. I am happy to say that today, six weeks in my battle is a little less strenuous, thanks to a regular daily approach to fixing my health. So how did I get started? The answer is that I got started over a long period of time. Months. Let me explain; I have known for years that i was massively overweight. I have seen what this kind of weight can do to a person in the stroke that one friend had that left him with only half of his body functions. Another who died and yet another whose speech is a mess for life. I also have kids whom I wish to see grow up and enjoy them and their children with. So theres the motivation. But even with all of that I still wouldn't get started with real change in my life. I had to reach the bottom. feelings of things inside my body that were not right. Tiredness that was taking over me and rendering me to every couch and chair I could relax on. And the worst for me was the program after program that seems to hit us about how to loose weight. 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 100 day programs…drink mixes from a can, meal packages prescribed by someone who has never even seen me, and worst of all was my doctor who is a good forty pounds over weight herself telling me how to loose weight. I gave up. Then I saw a program about juicing. The aim was not to loose weight but rather to simply get healthy again. Cleanse out all the garbage in my system and start from the basics. It made sense to me. It clicked, as they say. That same night I ordered my Breville stainless steel juicer (because stainless steel is easy to clean and that makes it all easier). Then wit the handbook that comes with the Breville Juicer, I was off to my local grocer to stock up on leafy greens, roots and seeds and that was the beginning. The key, for me, was to go cold turkey, deal with my demons head on. I couldn't survive with a inch in method, it had to be all or nothing. And it wasn't about weight loss, it was from the beginning about getting healthy and seeing marked measurable changes that I could reliably count on as fact. Within a week I began to see the pounds dropping off at a rate of approx a pound a day. That was pretty motivating all by itself but even mores was the energy and clarity I was enjoying, and still am. The way to get started is to get started. Simply put. The running and exercise began after my third week, when I was sure the food aspect was taking hold and for real, then I could ramp up the process by getting active. That was by beginning walking a kilometre a day, then two and now I am into a full kilometre walk, then a full kilometre run at 145 beats per minute and the last kilometre cool down. I have not felt so good in twenty years. I never set out to tell anyone how to do this. It's not my goal. Everyone is different and everyone should consult a health professional before starting and during. I share because I hope someone is inspired to get started. To seek in their own body a real and marked Change. Robert NO Processed foods here
Here is a great combination to get you through your day. Cucumber, broccoli, celery, two green apples, one inch of ginger, carrots, pineapple and spinach. Perfect! Energy, vitamins, great digestion, and best of all, Happiness! I'm not a guy who digs pure green drinks. So I mix a little sweetness into them. Not white or brown sugar, no, just some pineapple and apples will do it. Now I'm good to go! I'm going through a stage in weight loss known as the "Plateau". All of my intake remains good, and workouts are steady. But the weight loss, which was averaging a pound a day just stalled. This is what is known as Plateauing. Through some wonderful advice from my very wise wife, and some outside investigation I learned a few things about plateau. When your weight loss seems to flat out stall it is because your body is in preservation mode. It knows you have lost significant mass (fat) and it thinks you are starving it to death, so it stops. It throws up the stop sign and says we are not loosing any more weight. To get things back on track you have to drink more water, juice more and keep up with the exercise. What happens to many who intend to loose weight is when they hit the plateau stage they often get discouraged and want to give up. My suggestion to you is DON'T. But you have to nourish and keep your body happy, so drink water, make more juice, and keep up the walking/running or whatever you are doing. I never set out to loose weight, my goal has always been to get healthy and to feel better. Weight loss just happened as a bi product. Not a bad bi product if you ask me. So I'm doing my best to make it matter. A helpful tip for you from me. Robert McAffee All you need to feel betterOne medium reg with a toasted and buttered sesame seed bagel, with lettuce, tomato and cheddar. Sometimes a honey dip or a apple cruller. That was my drive thru routine. This little gas up was usually good till I got to work and started my painting. Then, about an hour in, besides feeling sleepy I would begin to feel those nagging hunger pains. You know the ones. The kind you are probably feeling right now as you read this blog. That would mean looking forward to the next break so I could run to that place that rhymes with Jimmies and get more caffien and another snack.
This daily routine is normal for most of the office workers I used to go with back in the day and I bet it's the norm for most people. Constantly tired, constantly hungry. I couldn't imagine any other way. Then I started on my journey into a world I had only heard of but never took seriously. The world of leafy greens, red beets, celery, pineapple, apples, roots and seeds. In short, I discovered whole raw foods, full of the complete vitamins, stacked with energy and proteins. All you really need. In that first week I was pretty depleted. No caffein, no bread, and sleepless nights. It was rough. I knew it would improve and it did. Once I got through the cold turkey stage I was already on the road to better feelings and more energetic days. This sounds like a commercial, I know. I'm not selling anything, not offering you anything but a first hand account of what my experience has been and how I have reached a better way of feeling and living. It's been over a month now, I don't see any way back.The mere sight of coffee and bagels makes me ill now. I recall the feelings of constant hunger and listlessness. It's enough to say all this but when you delve deeper into what is intentionally placed into breads and cereals, and perhaps coffee (perhaps?) it's no wonder the drive thru's have become line ups of addicts. Did I say that? Yes I sure did, because I was one. I went through the withdrawal. The cold turkey, I've been down that road and never want to return. Here, in the picture above, is my day today. Surprised? Don't be, it's packed with energy and good taste. There is: Broccoli celery spinach cucumbers oranges pineapple All going into my juicer behind and then into my Mason jars. There I shall mix some chia seeds, perhaps some hemp seeds and baby you got a licked up protein vitamin packed energy stuffed day all in two bottles! I'm loving this journey. |
The Artists JourneyThis is my blog page and it is where I get to be the opinionated man that I really am. The views are my own.
I invite your replies and comments, on my virtual welcome mat. This sketch above became this finished painting below
The Pine Tree Painter.How did I become known as the Pine Tree Painter? You could say I paint a lot of Pine Trees, that would be true. I paint a lot of other things too, but Pine Trees, Spruce Trees, Birch and others seem to be a continuous string in what i do. I just like the way they stand there like a custodian of the land. or a greeter to nature. So, I continue down the path with the Pine Tree Painter name on my head, It's ok. Archives
November 2023